Becoming a Client

What We Do

We invest in prospective clients with a complimentary Old Forge Wealth A3 Evaluation:

Assess, Address, Apply.

Why We Do It

Helping people tap into the power of applied financial principles is both purposeful and rewarding, and we love doing it!

Who We Do It For

Those who are serious about their finances, and have discovered there’s room for improvement.

   From the Summit of Mt. Whitney, California, 2010


A3 Evaluation

Assess: diagnose your present financial condition

Address: design your Principal Family Plan (PFP) towards wealth-building

Apply: guide you through the adoption and maintenance of your PFP

Receive your complimentary A3 evaluation to:

1) Maximize Positive Cash Flow

Maximize your investable savings with careful budgeting, prudent debt management, and tax planning.

2) Plug Financial Leaks

Eradicate monetary waste from your financial life.

3) Allocate Resources Wisely

Distribute your resources optimally towards each financial goal.

4) Examine Investments Thoroughly

Review the risk, return, and appropriateness of each investment account.



Schedule an introductory, 15 minute phone call to get started.


Supply us with the information we'll need to assess your present financial condition, and formulate a plan towards the attainment of your financial goals.


A 90 minute meeting, in-person or via phone or zoom, to accomplish two things:

1) Review our assessment of your financial picture, and

2) Discuss our specific recommendations to improve it.


30 minute Launch Meeting, in-person or via phone or zoom, to activate your new financial plan.


Award based on 10 objective criteria associated with providing quality services to clients such as credentials, experience, and assets under management among other factors. Wealth managers do not pay a fee to be considered or placed on the final list of 2012/2022 Five Star Wealth Managers.